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Stuck in frames? Breakout here.

I suppose I should have something witty and clever to say. There was a time when I would have stressed over this and been bothered if I couldn't come up with something. I'm not so worried about that now. This is my personal website. It has been idle for way longer than I thought it would, and for some reason I felt in interest in bringing the site up to par again.

What that means, I cannot say. But I will be keeping this site update and will see where the whims of the ether leads me in its continued existance. I am not certain how this page will grow and transform, but it should be interesting to see.

Last updated: 2011 November 16
{Click on date for changes.}

SCA - 2011 November 16
A bit dedicated to my participation in the Society for Creative Anachronisms. Information about my persona, what I'm doing, as well as links for information, definitions, and just fun stuff.

Bookmarks - 2011 November 16
Yeah, that ever present list of links. Well, I took it a bit farther. Every topic I find interesting is going here. I am doing it to share with others the interesting bits I find in my electronic travels.
{And cause it is fun and I can.}

Dictionary - 2011 November 16
Okay, so I have my own little oddities. This is one of them. I tend to come across interesting words or terms in my readings. When I do, I'll be placing them here. Also, any interesting words that tend to circulate my own vocabulary. So that is why this bit exists.
{Oh, and cause it is fun, and I can.}

   On 1996 March 13, the small town of Dunblane Scotland was shattered by a lone gunman. as the smoke cleared, the small town had lost part of its dearest heart as 16 children and their teacher were taken from their families.

   Word spread fast, around the world, and soon the town was covered in flowers sent from those who had never even set food in the town. The sympathies of the worled were, and still are with the people of that small Scottish town. As they are with those that have similarly suffered a senseless lose like this.


   Mine is but a small page in memory of those lost, not only those of Dunblane, to senseless violence in any form.

At one time I wrote for many reasons {Something I am trying to recapture.}

For me it was a release of ideas, emotions and just a way to release bad energy to replace it with good.
I wrote, what I called, Editorials. Pieces of opinion or just a rant to release the energy evoked by a situation or event.

I believe that I would like to begin that again. Whether it ends up here, or else where I cannot truely say. I cannot even honestly say that it is something I will begin to do again. Only time will tell.

Maintained by Jeffrey Reynolds. ©2011
Email: <jeffrey DOT a DOT reynolds AT gmail DOT com>