Recent Changes

   Everything changes. Nothing that lives, stays the same. Movement is life, and change is certainly a form of movement. Sometimes we embrace change. Sometimes we resist and are on occasion overwhelmed and overpowered by the change.
   It is with that in mind that I'm trying to document the history of this webpage/site. It is an attempt to atleast provide some evidence of the movement and changes that have occured here.

Most recent changes will be found at the top.

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   my Main Page.

2011 November 16

   This is an odd entry. It took only a small amount of time, the miniscule 6 years to really get around to doing an update. I'm not really sure what this will entail, but I am updating the HTML, and trying to make better use of CSS.

   I guess that we'll see what happens. Maybe I'll get some energy back... or not. But either way we'll have another ride. However short.

   In an effort to actually put this page up, and have it be new and moving forward. I have decided that I'll be working with the various sections live.
   What that means is that each section has had the main changes done. Mostly updating for HTML 5, but some other changes have been done as well. As I move forward, I plan on working the content I present on the pages. So yes, at this point you may find some dead links, or some things may just look odd where they are.

   This will all change as time and this site progress.

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    Changes: 2002-2005.

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    my Main Page.

Maintained by Jeffrey Reynolds. ©2011
Email: <jeffrey DOT a DOT reynolds AT gmail DOT com>